Monday, January 25, 2010

Units In A Bottle Of Jack Daniels How Many Units Are In A Bottle Of Jack Daniels?

How many units are in a bottle of jack daniels? - units in a bottle of jack daniels

I'm 5'4 and 125 pounds, how much Jack Daniels, I need to be drunk?


shooter1 said...

Depends on the size of the bottle and what they see as a "unit". One bottle has a few shots, 16 ounces, or parts of a large number of drops. One-fifth are many more and a gallon is still more.
Do the amount you drank, about three ounces should be. Maybe less if you have not eaten a bit more if you have not eaten a heavy meal.

Jack is a drink, although some people take pictures. I prefer to be cooled in the refrigerator and then ordered.

There are simply too many variables to an accurate answer.

Good luck and have fun!

shooter1 said...

Depends on the size of the bottle and what they see as a "unit". One bottle has a few shots, 16 ounces, or parts of a large number of drops. One-fifth are many more and a gallon is still more.
Do the amount you drank, about three ounces should be. Maybe less if you have not eaten a bit more if you have not eaten a heavy meal.

Jack is a drink, although some people take pictures. I prefer to be cooled in the refrigerator and then ordered.

There are simply too many variables to an accurate answer.

Good luck and have fun!

Billy said...

**** This is after 4 injections or mixed 4 cups.
not really an ideal drink for an inexperienced drinker, but a real simple backup. Trust me, I know from personal experience.

Splatter Man said...

About 30th Very approximately

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